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Digital & Internet
Med Tech
GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being
We are looking for new team members with the following skills

- Marketing - Business administration - Law - Physiotherapy

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The Challenge

Home exercise plans are one core component of physiotherapy. However, many patients are non-compliant with these programs. Moreover, the therapist does not know if the patient acts according to the exercise program, and the lack of quantitative data sometimes makes an assessment of the treatment progress difficult.

The Solution

An app supports the therapist and patient during physiotherapy. Patients receive a custom exercise plan through the app and are supported in doing the exercises consistently by behavior change techniques like reminders, self-monitoring, and goal setting. Optionally, the therapist can send customizable questionnaires to patients that measure treatment progress. A treatment diary with customizable questions stimulates the patient to actively take part in the therapy and reflect upon behavior that worsens symptoms. The data of the treatment compliance, questionnaire, and diary is visualized for the therapist, enabling a fast assessment of the progress of a patient.

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