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Electrostimulation of the Bulbus Olfactorius
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Med Tech
GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being

Electrostimulation of the Bulbus Olfactorius

The Challenge

Seven to eight procent of the Long COVID patients still suffers from severe hyposmia or anosmia after two months of first experiencing symptoms. Patients with anosmia have a reduced quality of life and no longer smell alarming doors. Therefore, a treatment is required for these patients suffering from anosmia due to Long COVID.

The Solution

To solve the problem we want to use an electrode to stimulate the olfactory bulb of the Long Covid patient. The research question is: ‘ To which extent does electrostimulation of the olfactory bulb improve the sense of smell compared to odor therapy in patients of 25 to 55 years old suffering of anosmia as a result of Long COVID?

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