- Decent knowledge in OOP - Experience in WEB-development - Passion for blockchain technologies
First of all, the problem of ticket fraud, especially for huge events. Moreover, the sports industry tends to be more and more personalised, since there is a big competition between other entertainment spheres. Many sports clubs are lacking it relying on outdated methods of selling tickets and engaging new audiences. Lastly, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many athletic organisations have lost big amounts of income. The project will help them to make additional money.
The idea of the project is to implement non-fungible token tickets in the sports industry. As an outcome, I want to have a working application that connects fans, their clubs and stadiums. Via the application, people will be able to buy digital tickets in NFT, even unique ones (e.g. desirable seats, budget, with/without children, next to fan-sector or quieter place etc.). The app will be useful to decrease the number of ticket frauds and to buy tickets easily. I believe, this project is the future of the sports industry and we should hop on it before others.