In Dutch healthcare, there is a lack of - accessible - mental health support for youngsters. Waiting lists extend to half a year and there exists a large gap between help from friends and professional help. A gap that is currently not adequately filled. Life is not easy, certainly not in the teenage years, and sometimes, youngsters could use help with their personal development. In cases where a psychologist is not necessary for this, there are few alternatives. Oftentimes, the youngsters are left to fend for themselves, and resultantly, small issues have led to big problems.
PuberPraatPaal offers coaching and counseling for youngsters between 12 and 22 years old. The service offers a confidential conversation partner for youngsters that want to talk about their lives and the challenges they face in that life. The unique selling point is that the coach is only 20 years old, meaning that he easily connects with his clients. It makes the threshold for reaching out and opening up as low as possible. The coach has followed courses in coaching and systemic therapy to provide a professional groundwork for his practices.