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Science Hunter Indonesia
Team info


Social Innovation
Digital & Internet
GOAL 4: Quality Education
We are looking for new team members with the following skills

Web developer/Software Engineer

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Science Hunter Indonesia

The Challenge

Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. In 2045, Indonesia is predicted to achieve a demographic bonus. This potential must be maximized by improving the education quality of the young generation in Indonesia. Based on the Global Innovation Index, among 132 countries in the world, Indonesia is on 87th rank, which is not good enough. This condition happens because formal education in Indonesia still does not provide enough facilities for students to develop their research and innovation skills. Considering this condition, SHI brings solutions by providing a research and innovation learning platform that can penetrate the young generation in Indonesia to know the basics of scientific research.

The Solution

Science Hunter Indonesia (SHI) is an Indonesian EdTech startup that focuses on providing a research and innovation learning platform. Through sciencehunter.id, a web-based learning platform, SHI became the first platform in Indonesia that provided any classes related to research and innovation. Currently, SHI has more than 3900 users from around Indonesia targeting high school and university students. The main goals of SHI is to improve research and innovation quality by creating a supportive research environment for the young generation in Indonesia.

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